0460 EEA
Good Marks for Carbon Footprint and Costs with Proven Technology
Eco-Efficiency-Analysis sees solvent-based Plate Production as an Advantage
The ongoing public discussion about CO2 emissions exerts an increasing pressure on consumers and industry, which cannot be avoided by packaging printers either. The branded goods industry and trading companies in particular react to the growing environmental awareness of their customers and pass on the requirement for the most environmentally friendly production possible to their suppliers. However which technologies are really more beneficial in this respect? And are ecological and economic aspects contradictory, or can they even be reconciled?
In order to find objective answers to these questions, the Flint Group Flexographic Products business unit commissioned an Eco-Efficiency-Analysis (EEA) with the BASF SE company. In principle the study amounts to a comparison of processes in which the proven technology of photopolymer plates which can be washed out by solvents and thermo-technology.
5 September 2008
Read more on the study and its results:
English version or German version
For more information, contact
Flint Group
Inken Steinhauser
T +49 2561 9826 719