Fount concentrate specially designed for Manroland turbo dampening presses. Minimises foam. Non hazardous biocide, will not cause skin sensitisation.
OEM Approved
Versatile fount concentrate specially designed for all dampening systems. Ultra low foam. Non hazardous biocide, will not cause skin sensitisation.
OEM Approved
Suitable for Uniset presses interchanging between coldset and heatset inks.
OEM Approved
Fount concentrate specially designed for spray and brush dampening presses. Non hazardous biocide, will not cause skin sensitisation.
OEM Approved
Extra wetting, suitable for brush and spray dampening systems.
OEM Approved
Extra dynamic wetting, designed to create finer droplets and a more even distribution of dampening spray.
OEM Approved
Universal, low cost fount concentrate for spray and brush dampening systems.
OEM Approved
Universal fountain solution. VOC free formulation.
OEM Approved
Fountain solution for Coldset Spray, Turbo and Brush dampening systems, will give quick, clean start-ups with a definite reduction in ink consumption.