Today’s web offset printer faces more challenges than ever before; increased pressure to do more with less resources, hold down costs, improve quality and produce publications to meet time critical deadlines. To successfully control these challenges and create a competitive advantage, the printer must carefully select the right products and people to partner with.
Flint Group are a leading global manufacturer of high-quality web offset inks, blankets, sleeves, fountain solutions, pressroom washes and sundry chemicals. In most of our production locations, the entire process chain from raw material to the finished product is housed under one roof, allowing us to maintain stringent quality and process controls.
No other company offers a greater choice of solutions or manufactured product range to the web offset printing industry. This makes us unique, and with hundreds of years of experience in working with customers who expect us to enhance their performance, you can be sure that we always have the complete product portfolio to deliver optimum results.
Working together, our products and technical specialists deliver solutions that translate into the competitive advantage needed in today’s tough business environment. Supported by development technicians and chemists at our manufacturing sites, our field technicians have the ability to work closely with customers to manage and provide bespoke solutions to resolve pressroom problems, optimise efficiency and enhance print quality.
We are keen to help our customers contain and manage their costs in the print room and by focusing on Key Performance Indicators, such as ink mileage, press and blanket wash cycles and paper wastage, we work with them to benchmark existing set-ups, and recommend more cost efficient product combinations.
Contact Flint Group Customer Services for information on any Print Media product or service.