1720 Flint Group Announces The Winners Of The 2011 Narrow Web Print Awards
Flint Group announces the winners of the 2011 Narrow Web Print Awards!

Flint Group is pleased to announce the winners of the 7th annual Narrow Web Print Awards. This celebration in printing excellence is hosted each year at Labelexpo in September and recognises the best achievements in narrow web printing.
Niklas Olsson, Global Brand Manager for Flint Group Packaging and Narrow Web had this to say: “The competition clearly shows narrow web converters’ strive for excellence; year after year we are impressed with the submissions – the complexity of design and print, and the creative use of Flint Group inks. It is clear that our customers see this as a significant event as we are pleased to see the number of submissions rising year after year.”
Criteria for judging followed the guidelines that are standards set by the industry associations FINAT and TLMI and included: registration, smoothness of dot/vignette, overall print quality, and degree of difficulty. The judges also reviewed each label for creative use of inks and colour – rewarding those prints that exhibit extra-ordinary use of inks.
Over 120 converters joined the competition in 2011 - of those entries, 12 winners are announced – all submissions using inks, coatings and specialty products from Flint Group. These winning companies will be presented with a special glass trophy to recognise this
- Cenveo MM&T, Canada
- Wintek Flexo Prints, India
- Perflex Label, Canada
- A.C.M. Srl, Italy
- Labelcrafters, USA
- Nosco, USA
- Grafiche Federighi Srl., Italy
- The Label Factory, Ireland
- Smyth Companies LLC, USA
- CymMetrik (Shanghai) Printing Co., Ltd., China
- RAKO Group, Germany
- Automacao Ind. Com. De Rotulos E. Etiquetas Ltd., Brazil
“It is truly an honor to see the prints submitted by our customers. Each year we look forward to the judging; it is amazing to see what converters around the world can do with the inks we supply them. It’s encouraging to see that our customers become more and more sophisticated in their printing – truly pushing the bar in cutting edge designs and application of inks.” explains Mike Buystedt, Director of Sales for Flint Group Packaging and Narrow Web.
The Narrow Web Print Awards will continue in 2012 at Labelexpo Chicago in September. Narrow Web converters from around the world are encouraged to submit printed samples and join this friendly and professional competition of colourful use of inks, design, and print.